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Game Description is a free iogame. The internet is full of funny videos, you've probably seen a million of them. By now you probably think you've seen em all and you know exactly what is going to happen, perhaps you'd be interested in a friendly wager. is a free iogame where you will watch the beginning of an obscure clip and then guess what happens before it ends. For every right answer, you will get points. The less time you take to answer the question the higher your score. If you fail to answer correctly you will receive no points but not be out of the round. Each video comes complete with multiple choice questions so you'll have at least a 25% chance of getting it right, even if you just guess. These videos might surprise you, just when you think you've seen every viral video out there and know the end of every joke you will be surprised by something. Play your way through and see if you know the internet better than all these other people. droll is a real-time game that you play against real people all over the world.


watch the video and read the accompanying questions. Use your mouse to click on the one you think best deescribes what will happen next in the video. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 30, 2020

18414 plays


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