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Game Description is a fantasy role-playing game. Welcome to a realm where only the strong survive. This is the wide world of A fantasy RPG where you will compete against other players from around the world in order to sly the vile Goop monsters, level up your character, learn magic, gain some cool new weapons and then take on other players. It is a big world, and it is a scary world. You won't find many allies here just shopkeepers, wise old men, and the occasional NPC who wants to stab you in the back. This is and it is a dangerous place to be if you yourself are not a dangerous person. Customize your character from the color of their skin to the style of their hair. Choose any gender you want, add a beard and even a cool custom costume. In you can be whoever you want to be as long as who you want to be wants to be slaying Goop monsters.


Use your mouse to guide the character through the game. You will also be using your mouse to interact with in-game menus and upgrade your characters items, weapons, magic spells, and other cool, customizable stuff like costumes and capes. Take on the dreaded Goop monsters and avoid other players. Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateSep 19, 2019


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