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Game Description is a free iogame. You've played chess, you've played iogames, you've played arena battler games against a dozen opponents. Have you ever considered playing chess as an iogame against a dozen opponents? That is right, the ultimate in chess is not beating an international master. It's simply sitting down, logging in, and playing an extremely complicated version of a two-player game against dozens of opponents at once. All of the skills, rules, and lessons you learned from playing real chess over the years have all come in handy now. Now you can use your chess skills to devastate other layers from around the world with perfect moves. You are a champion in waiting, forget about Bobby Ficher, the whole dang world is gonna be searching for you and if you play your cards right they'll find you at the top of the leader board. Number one with a checkmark. Game on, pawn.


Use your mouse to click on the various chess pieces. You will have to click to select a piece and where to move it. The movement rules for each of the pieces is the same as classic chess. The goal of the game is to take out the kings of all of your opponents while making sure that no one ever takes out yours. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateAug 20, 2020

16063 plays


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