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Game Description is a free iogame. Imagine a world where a game like Minecraft had prebuilt levels that were populated with other players just like you from around the world. Imagine if each and every one of these other players were armed with a blade and two different firearms. Now imagine the only thought in their brain is 'destroy.' is a free iogame where you enter a Minecraft-style arena and are going toe to toe, and face to face in a deathmatch-style battle royale that never ends. There are a ton of weapons, nooks and crannies, and plenty of other cool Easter eggs in all of these levels as well as different play modes. Join a team or try it as a free for all. In whatever you want to do is up to you. Be a sniper, be sneaky, try and use stealth or take the safety off and go full auto in a spray and pray assault on everyone else. really lets you figure it all out in any way you want to. is an original FPS game that is set in a brick-bit world where only the strong will survive.


On your desktop computer use your mouse to aim your weapon and the left mouse button to fire. The right mouse button is your scope. The W,A,S,D and Arrow pads are how you move. E to dash Shift to crouch. Space to jump. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateOct 12, 2021

30321 plays


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