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Game Description is a free IOGame. In this game, you'll be using retrobit styled explosives in order to blast away the grid maze that surrounds you and find your way to the center of the puzzle. This is a game where players are in direct competition with hundreds of other players from around the world. All of you are headed toward the same goal and you cannot be stopped. Collect items and open up new doors and channels using explosions. Try to outsmart the other players in the game by tricking them into getting nuked by your errant bombs. This is a game for people who like to think ahead and are in direct competition with other people. Play hard and play fast as you trick your other friends into getting blown up by your timebombs and your perfectly placed nukes. This is a game based on the classic Bomberman series except you're up against way more players and have way more to do. If you feel like you're ready to win then it's time to jump on in.


Use the W,A,S,D or the Arrow pad in order to move your character around the maze and through the grid. Drop time bombs and collect items in order to maximize points and wipe out the competition. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateMar 4, 2021

11998 plays


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