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Game Description is a free IOgame. Evolution is the key to our survival as a species on this planet. It is through this often arduous process that we went from being a single-celled organism to the absolute authority on Earth. But evolution is not a simple process. You do not simply move in a straight line and slowly become more or better of your current state but rather surf the fractures of the timeline, take the ups and the downs, and go toe to toe with other organisms in an attempt to be the dominant species on the planet. In this game, you will begin your life as a small insignificant creature who must struggle to survive, thrive, and evolve. This is a side-scrolling adventure game to which there is no peer. You have never seen anything like this and we're absolutely sure that you'll enjoy it. It is a strange game for strange people in a strange world with bugs, animals, tigers, and flying eagles. This is life. This is gaming.


On your desktop computer please use your mouse to point, click and control the character. Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateMar 10, 2022

6719 plays


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