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Knight Quest



Game Description

Knight Quest is a free mobile game. Leap into an endless adventure with Knights Quest, an endless avoided game where you don the armor of a fearless knight who jumps from ledge to ledge of an infinite tower in the hopes of one day reaching their glory. Whoever survives the longest will be guaranteed to have their names recorded on our sitewide leaderboard. It is very much like your name echoing through the halls of eternity but only on our site. In Knight Quest, you always jump up and have to move fast enough to catch the ledges above you. There are only ever going to be right or left edges, so the choice is binary, and reflexes are key. Don't wait too long to make your jump or the ledge beneath you will crumble and you'll fall to an ignominious death. While the mechanics of this free endless jumper are simple the gameplay itself becomes more complex as every ledge passes you by. Prove to your friends and enemies just who has what it takes to make it to the top in Knight Quest. 


On your mobile device, tap to the screen's left or right to make the knight leap. On your desktop computer, use the left or right arrow keys to make the knight leap. This is an endless game where your only goal is to stay alive for as long as possible.

Knight Quest Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateJul 27, 2023

76 plays


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