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Stretch Sums



Game Description

Stretch Sums is a free puzzle game. A crucial skill in life is the ability to make it stretch. Whether we're talking about your paycheck, your body, or your best little white lies, stretching them to their limit is as important as it is fun. In Stretch Sums, you'll be tasked with the noble challenge of taking a few tiles worth of numbers and stretching them in the four cardinal directions to cover the distance between predetermined values. Woah! Sounds like a lot of fun. Math isn't just a lot of fun it is also a tool that can be used to interpret and explain a lot of natural phenomena. Why not partake in the joy of pure math with a game where you find yourself literally in the center of an equation as it blossoms out in all directions. Stretch Sums is a game for people who love math and love winning. If you think you might be that kind of person or if you know someone who is, then hey why not play this game. There is literally no reason not to.


On your mobile or desktop device use your finger to tap and hold or your mouse to point click and drag.

Stretch Sums Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 29, 2021
DeveloperElio Landa

6737 plays


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