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Beehive Yourself



Game Description

Beehive yourself is a free avoider game. Beware the bricks and stay on target in order to become the hero you've always wanted to be and save the bees! Beehive yourself is an avoider game where you take on the role of a lone bee who is trying to make its way back to the nest. You will struggle and suffer through twisty and turn mazes with toxic walls that are certain to destroy you if you're notion target. Like all avoider games, you have to stay away from the walls while traversing through a labyrinthian dungeon towards the nest. There will be a series of stars along the way which you are supposed to collect for points, however, you can totally finish the level and move on to the next one without collecting all of the stars. If you do try to avoid the stars you will receive a lower score and you can't go back and re-do a level so why shoot yourself in the foot? Go for the gold and reach for the stars as you save the bees and make your way back home.


Use your mouse to point and click on the bee. Hold the left mouse button and use it to direct the bee through the maze. You must avoid the walls and collect the stars.

Beehive Yourself Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateMay 20, 2021
DeveloperMonish Vyas

11164 plays


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