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Game Description

Skydrop is a free platform game. Don't worry, the sky isn't falling but your eggs are! Someone must have put all of their eggs into one basket and then taken that basket into space and spilled it because the eggs are raining from the sky. It'll be a slaughter if you don't run out there and catch em all. we think you can do it, in fact, we know you can. we are here to support you either way but don't doddle as you waddle. There are eggs falling from the sky! No one knows for sure why it is happening, we surely have our theories, but this chicken is out to save the life within each egg. Help this chicken collect as many falling eggs before they fall and crash to the ground. The eggs will fall at different speeds, some will fall fast and some will fall slow. This is going to trip you up so you'll have to persevere. The eggs are also all different sizes, some are big and easy to catch, while others are small and hard to catch. For every egg you let fall, you lose one life. This is a fast-paced game of life or death.


On your desktop computer or mobile device please use your mouse to point, click and hold or your finger to tap and hold. Your job is to navigate the chicken around the screen and collect as many of the eggs falling from the sky as you possibly can.

Skydrop Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateDec 16, 2021
DeveloperTrue Valhalla

14829 plays


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