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Labyrinth: Secrets of ShadowHaven




Game Description

Run and jump through the 8-bit dungeon... Smash the orbs, defeat the boss!

Labyrinth: Secrets of ShadowHaven Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 22, 2015

about 6 years ago

This game is super cute. And I love Rouge-likes.


over 9 years ago

very nice game. Did you find the wings yet (legit wings, not the glider)?


over 9 years ago

Awesome game! I give it 10/10. I had a glitch though I died at the second level boss i got hit while falling in the green acid and I was just stuck there with boss trying to attack me. I'm guessing it is because I died twice at the same time ( to boss attack and acid ). But still really nice game


over 9 years ago

Awesome game! I give it 10/10. I had a glitch though I died at the second level boss i got hit while falling in the green acid and I was just stuck there with boss trying to attack me. I'm guessing it is because I died twice at the same time ( to boss attack and acid ). But still really nice game


over 9 years ago

Game won't start? Just a black box with green numbers? Am I stupid or something? xD


over 9 years ago

Game won't start? Just a black box with green numbers? Am I stupid or something? xD

Y sO sErIoUs

over 9 years ago

Hate the game in which there is another button for jump cpmmon u can add the up arrow for jump -_- -_- and the worst game

Y sO sErIoUs

over 9 years ago

Hate the game in which there is another button for jump cpmmon u can add the up arrow for jump -_- -_- and the worst game


over 9 years ago

Well when you first start the game the title screen music reminds me of a certain game (Legend of Zelda). The backstory is ALOT like Legend Zelda. But when the lil' monster dude (I guess devil?..) wants to make darkness rule well hmm what game that's been made does THAT sound like? The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Where Minda for a long time says "Oh the twilight world so much better!" The making controls what you want I won't pick on much many games I like have that like Metroid. It has a Metroid feel with the exploration. Though fall damage is ehh in most games. The fall damage reminds me of certain Mario games. When death does take you, it's helpful your stuff stays with you. Spawning in a whole new setting though is a bit iffy on my part, though the constant game rule of ice bothers me. In games ice equals slippy here. In real life ( I know games aren't based in real life but, ) ice is very rarely slippy like this. ( At least all the ice I've been on ) Now getting in the game, I have noticed standing on the edge of something e.x. a platform makes you wiggle like your're about to fall. That happens in alot of older games I know of. Such as Donkey Kong country , and sonic ect. The first ''Level'' is too hard. Not the way of it, I mean enemy wise. They killed me. They also take four bars off your health. This is the FIRST level. Enemys in the first level shouldn't be this hard. I'm stopping my review here. It seemed good, but also seems to be based off of many games before this one came out.


over 9 years ago

It's honestly like a shovel knight esque game combining elements from other games like at full health you can shoot beams with your attack but at below max health you can't (Legend of Zelda) and you have falling damage from great heights (Bubsy games)