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Cursed Treasure



Game Description

Cursed Treasure is a tower defense game. They want your treasure, little do they know the treasure is cursed. The big secret behind your treasure is that it will be the doom of anyone who tries to take it. Still, it is your treasure. You don't want anyone to take it, even if it dooms them. So, you must build your defenses. To withstand all intruders. Ice towers will freeze your enemies in their tracks. Volcano towers will melt them where they stand and several archery towers will let your army take deadly aim. Think far ahead and strategize a perfect plan to take out your enemies. Build towers, upgrade towers, as the enemies get worse your towers must become more powerful. Stay a few steps ahead of them or they'll walk all over you. This is the exciting world of 'Cursed Treasure' an epic game of towers, defense, and survival.


Use your mouse to operate the in-game menus. Choose different towers to purchase and then place them on the map. The towers will auto-fire when n enemy walks by. You can also use your mouse to upgrade the towers to shoot faster, farther, and more powerful attacks. Choose your upgrades wisely and take down everyone who stands in your way.

Cursed Treasure Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateOct 17, 2019

58791 plays


over 1 year ago

One of my favorites. Thanks for bringing it back.


almost 5 years ago

Patience wins