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Rotate Your Mind



Game Description

Rotate Your Mind is a free puzzle game. We all love squares Squares are the favorite four sided two-dimensional object of over 91% of the population. Whether we use them as tiles in our favorite flooring or as window paines in our favorite holes in the wall one thing is certain: Squares are here to stay. In Rotate Your Mind we take squares to another dimension, the second dimension. After using a proprietary algorithm on our experimental quantum computers to flatten the 6 sides of a bunch of dice into a single side --which we have called a square-- we placed them into a physics puzzle game. In Rotate Your Mind your job is to take control of a jagged, angular shape filled with these squares and rotate it and the screen itself in order to deliver them safely to their destination. It is a game that will test your patience, your resolve, and your fundamental understanding of cause and effect. This is a game of physics and a game of shapes. It is truly a game for kings and queens.


On your desktop computer or mobile device please use your mouse to point, click, and drag or your finger to pint, tap and slide.

Rotate Your Mind Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateMay 26, 2022

10150 plays


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