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Push & Pull Blocks



Game Description

Push & Pull Blocks is a free puzzle game. What is causality? Is gravity something we can harness for our own nefarious ends? While this game may seem like nothing more than a few blocks pushing each other around, in reality, it is a daring example of the rules of cause and effect that rue all of our fates. This is chaos theory in action! In order to navigate the bricks to where they are supposed to go, you will need to determine the cause needed to match the effect you want. Push the blocks, pull the blocks, take command of the game and you will become the ultimate gravity master. Fail and you will never make it to the head of the leaderboard and bask in the golden light of its glory.


On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your mouse to point and click or your finger to tap and slide as you try to determine the right series of causes and effects in order to move the blocks in the appropriate places.

Push & Pull Blocks Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJun 23, 2021
DeveloperElio Landa Games

7998 plays


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