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Line Eraser



Game Description

Line Eraser is a free puzzle game. First you build the line then the line disappears. Such is the nature of all line based games. Like a sand castle built along the frothing, sandy beach all your lines will slowly melt into the great sea of electro-blocks as they fall. Like traditional Tetris-style polynominal games, you will be manipulating random shapes as they fall from the top of the screen. The difference in this game is that the playing space is huge, absolutely huge. It is easily double the size of the normal Tetris and by definition that means that this game will be double the fun. That is not marketing, that is not hype, that is just math. And math doesn't lie. Just like the leaderboard doesn't lie and hey if you're good enough at this game maybe you can make it to the top of the leaderboard, that sounds like fun .


On your desktop computer please use your arrow pad to move the shapes and the space bar to snap them immediately into place. You can also use the return key to flip the shapes around.

Line Eraser Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 7, 2022

10872 plays


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