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Farm Hero



Game Description

Farm Hero is a free puzzle game. The flood is here, the animals are trapped, and it is up to you to save them. In this game, you'll have to navigate the deep waters and other troublesome obstacles in order to connect all of the disparate animals and drag them to safety. Animals are our friends and we need to protect them when they can't protect themselves. This game allows you to be a hero and save the farm one animal at a time. Each animal has a life preserver with a string attached, the string is where you can attach them to other animals and when you do that the animals are all connected and thus can be saved. In order to coordinate the rescue, you will need to move the animals around, slinking them back and forth, and attaching them to each other. There is generally only one solution so that means that you have a guiding light to work towards. Try to envision the level as finished, the game as over, and you as the winner. How did you do it? How did the connections all come together? You'll make it happen if you believe you can.


On your desktop or mobile device use your mouse to point, click, and drag or your finger to tap and slide in order to move the animals around the flooded board. Connect the animals together by using a knot that sticks out of the side of the flotation device.

Farm Hero Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJul 8, 2021

12375 plays


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