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Fast Warrior



Game Description

Fast Warrior is a free avoider game. In this game, you are a speedy soldier of fortitude who is becoming a soldier of fury and fame. Fast Warrior is an avoider game where you must balance, run, stab, and pillage upon a razors edge. Wade through dozens of enemies as you dash and dare with all your might. With one hand you will thrust and the other you will grab. Use your trusty sword, pick up health packs. This game is actually a lot of fun and you're gonna like it. So, sharpen those elbows and hey let us go! This is a game of kings, a game of queens, and a game of swords. If you have the grit, the gumption, and the guts maybe you'll be able to turn some of that warriors fury into some warriors fortune. If not you might wind up blown to bits at the boots of your enemies. Either way, you'll probably have a lot of fun getting there and know that we are beside you every step of the way in spirit.


On your desktop computer or mobile device please tap to the left or right in order to move and grab or move and stab. Avoid the enemy at your heels and make it through a never ending series of smash and go levels.

Fast Warrior Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateMay 19, 2022

8438 plays


almost 2 years ago



over 2 years ago

Fun game!