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Elite Squad



Game Description

Elite Squad is a free shooter game. Anyone can join the airforce and fly their way around an empty sky but only the elite of the elite can make it to the elite squad where you will be dodging enemy bombers, anti-aircraft guns, opposing jets, and all kinds of other obstacles. When the enemy aims low you'll fly high, when the enemy is shooting high then you'll fly low. Dodge enemy jets and opposing fighters, take out sentient bombs and drones as well as avoiding fire from ground units as you fly to survive and survive to persevere in this pulse-pounding game of aerial combat and survival. Dodge to live, live to dodge, avoid your enemies and you'll become the Elite Squad master. Become the envy of your friends and the scourge of your enemies. Light up the skies and blow away the competition as you dive, dodge, blast, and avoid your way through a never-ending arsenal of baddies incoming.


On your desktop computer or mobile device use your mouse or finger to guide your fighter-jet through a series of obstacles, enemies, and incoming bogies as you strive to stay alive and dominate the competition.

Elite Squad Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateJun 10, 2021
DeveloperMonish Vyas

21239 plays


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