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Lightybulb Round 3



Game Description

Lighty Bulb Round 3 is a physics and platform style puzzle game. It’s time to put a smile on this light bulb’s face by figuring out the series of puzzles that will illuminate the dark. One would think that turning on a light bulb would be a cinch. You simply flip the switch, and bam—you have light. Ultimately, that’s all you’re doing in Lightybulb 3. You’re flipping switches to turn on lightbulbs, and most of the time, each puzzle involves flipping more than one switch—many more than one. Figuring how to properly flip the switches, and in what order, is what this game’s all about.


Just use the on-screen clues to figure out the solution to each puzzle. Some have you clicking the light switches in the correct order, others have you clicking the light switch in the right way—by either holding or clicking or a combination of the two. If the lightbulb turns on, you win the level and move onto the next. Following the on-screen clues will help guide you to correct solution to each puzzle. Some of the puzzles can be quite tricky, but if you can properly decipher the hints, then you’ll be good to go.

Lightybulb Round 3 Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateMay 2, 2017

291218 plays


over 5 years ago

its stupid i dont get the point of it


over 5 years ago

its ok once you get the hang of it :)


over 5 years ago

i love this game !!!!!! Ex Dee

that one cat

over 5 years ago

dank webms


over 5 years ago



over 5 years ago

Pretty neat. Needs more levels.


over 5 years ago

More frustrating than The Impossible Quiz...


over 5 years ago

Gets stupid hard, fast!


over 5 years ago

1st I like these games


over 5 years ago

1st I like these games