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Neon Block



Game Description

Neon Block is a free-clicker puzzle game. the time is now and the place is here. Neon Block is the name and dropping blocks is the game. In the game of Neon Block, you are personally responsible for accurately ordering a series of blocks as they speed or crawl past you. There is a very specific target in which you are supposed to drop the block. If you can do it then you're good, you'll get the points and move on to the next level. If you can't do it then it's game over. Accurately sorting five blocks in a row counts as a level up. The rate of the blocks that floats by will change. Some zoom past, some move really slow, and some will speed up and then slow down and it is your job to stop it at exactly the right moment in order to lock it in. It is actually a lot more fun than it sounds. See how far you can make it and invite your friends to try and beat your score. This is a tough game for tough gamers and we heard you're the toughest gamer around.


On your desktop computer use your mouse to click when the block enters the box. On your mobile device use your finger to tap when the block enters the box.

Neon Block Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateApr 1, 2021

34737 plays


almost 3 years ago

Booom Enjoy ...... .I'm The Record HOLDER on this PLANET for this game. Have A Good Day!!!


almost 3 years ago

Never mind i see my name was placed there .. dunno why it didn't work the first time ;) thank you guys enjoy trying to beat that people


almost 3 years ago

I love this game ... my goal was to beat the all time record which i noticed was just above 4900..... guess what i mae it to over 5400 .... but for some reason i couldnt put my name in your all time list .. id like this changed please