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Dot and Cross



Game Description

Dot and Cross is a clicker game that looks easy but really isn’t. This online game is set against a white background and you will only see two options to click on: A dot against a green background and a cross against a yellow background. You want to click on the dot and not click on the cross. The bold colors help you differentiate between them. There is a turquoise bar at the bottom that tells you how much time you have to make the right choice. Sounds simple, right? You will be surprised at how many times you can mess this up. Hit the cross and you automatically lose the game. Play again to see if you can beat your last or best score. Click the leaderboard icon in the lower right corner to see where you rank against other dot clickers. Each level has a bar at the bottom of the screen too and with every correct choice, you will inch closer to pass it. Try to pass all the levels in this deceivingly easy looking online game. 


To play this clicker game, click on the dot. Do not click on the cross. At the end of each game, you will see your best score, the most recent score, and the option to replay.

Dot and Cross Gameplay

Content RatingAll Ages
Release DateApr 9, 2020

17597 plays


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