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Duo Cards



Game Description

Duo Cards is a classic card game. In Duo Cards you'll be taking on AI, or real-life friends and family in a fast-moving game of cards. This is an iteration of the classic game of luck and skill where players take turns playing cards being careful to line up the color and values of the cards. You may have played card games like this before but you've never played this exact game before. Duo is a game where both strategy and tactics come into play as you plan moves and combos out turns in advance but also must react to changes in the game which you didn't see coming. Duo Cards is a 'Take That' style game where defeating other opponents means outsmarting them, outplaying them, and making sure you stay one step ahead of them at all times. Duo Cards is a game where you'll need to keep a close eye on the color of the cards in your hands as well as the numerical value of each card. Both factors are used to determine play order and when played properly will result in an overwhelming victory for whoever knows how to play their cards correctly.


Use your mouse to click on and through the in-game menus. Your mouse will allow you to click on and select a card to play to the play area.

Duo Cards Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateOct 3, 2019

42929 plays


over 3 years ago

✨Its really bad✨