Game Description
Don't Escape is a free escape game. You woke up inside a tiny cabin, it's not locked and you remember everything. You're a werewolf, and tonight you will turn and people will die, unless you find a way to prevent yourself from escaping.
Use the mouse to interact with the environment.
Don't Escape Gameplay
Leave a reviewover 5 years ago
Start game Go outside, Collect mushroom on bottom right, logs near stump, axe on stump, and chain under roof Go inside, close door. collect rope. Go to the left, collect herb on hook (u dont need root,) and then, chop up table using axe. collect planks Go to left again, close windows, hook windows, and put planks on window. Open third drawer on dresser and collect tinder box. Click under bed to get golden key, and click jacket to collect silver key. Go to right, open box using golden key. collect hammer and nails. go left. use hammer and nails on planks. go right two times. using silver key on door, then, click bookshelf corner to move bookshelf. go to right. put logs in fire place, then use tinder box to light fire place. collect glass on table. click floorboard and open secret room. collect meat and spice put spice, herb and mushroom in pot on fire place. take the glass and fill it with stuff in the pot. put liquid on meat. go right twice, put meat on hook use rope and chain to tie self up, and then click hour glass to say you are ready You is welcome<3