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Game Description

Water, it's not just for drinking anymore! In you will enter a desert arena where water is the ammo and the squirt gun reigns supreme. As the sand burns beneath your feet and the shadows of airships pass overhead its soak or be soaked! is an MMO where there are no upgrades, and there are no power-ups. It's just you, your water gun, some water, and a desert filled with angry, dry opponents from around the world who want to drown you in order to win. Victory will not be easy. The unforgiving sun illuminates all, there is nowhere to hide. If you want to avoid being shot, your best option is to use your umbrella as a shield and divert all attacks. Perhaps if you are able to hunt down your opponents, keep your water gun filled and get off a few lucky shots you'll climb your way up the leaderboard ever higher towards victory and the coveted position of first. If you are not lucky, have no skill, poor aim, and no will power to back up your machinations you may wind up a soggy mess in the middle of the desert: defeated and destitute. Game Instructions: W,A,S,D: Move your player left, right, up and down. Mouse: Aim your water gun at other players. Left mouse button: Fire your water gun. Right mouse button: Deploy your umbrella to work as a shield against attacks. How to play: Use the arrow or W,A,S,D pad to navigate the arena. Hunt down other players, attack with the left mouse button. Gameplay

Content RatingUnrated
Release DateDec 15, 2018

19056 plays


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